Vzhľad a povaha:
Dlhá a dokonale rovná srsť s jemnou hodvábnou štruktúrou, ktorá splýva rovnomerne po obidvoch stranách tela. Stavba tela kompaktná a úhľadná, vzpriamená chôdza plná elánu. Kompaktný chrbát, rovný. Hruď primerane klenutá. Biewer terrier je bystrý a inteligentný s vyrovnanou povahou.
Pomerne malá, nie príliš vystupujúca. Sfarbená symetricky bielo - modro - zlatá.
Lesklá, na tele biela - modrá. Okrem hlavy nesmie byť nikde na tele zlatá, alebo hnedá. Nohy, brucho a hrudník majú byť biele.
Tmavé iskrivé oči s bystrým a inteligentným pohľadom. Okraje očných viečok sú tmavo sfarbené. Oči nevystupujúce.
Pravidelný nožnicový
Ušká sú malé v tvare V pokryté veľmi sýtou a tmavou srsťou.
Nekupírovaný, bohato osrstený, jeho dĺžka by mala poskytnúť vyvážený vzhľad. Minimálne posledná tretina chvosta musí byť biela.
1,8 kg - 3,1 kg
Medzi vady patrí chýbajúca zlatá farba v tvári, spadnuté ušká, zlý zhryz, zlá pigmentácia očných viečok, stavba tela nepodobná yorkshire terrierovi a vlnitá srsť. Pes musí mať normálne vyvinuté vajíčka úplne spustené do mieška.
Standard Biewer Terrier Club of America
About the Biewer Terrier
The Biewer Terrier Standard, Illustrated |
We hope this photo standard will help you better understand what is acceptable and what is less than desirable. With our breed still being in the early stages of development, we will get dogs that are out of standard. This is fine and they make excellent pets, but they should not be used for breeding.
General Appearance is that of an elegant longhaired tri colored toy terrier with the hair parting down the middle and hanging straight and evenly on both sides of the dog, as though a comb had been used to part the hair from the nose to the end of the body. The back is level, with height at shoulders being equal to height of the rump. Although the outline of the dog gives the appearance of a square, the body length can be slightly longer than the overall height. The tail is carried high over the body in a teacup handle fashion and covered with a long flowing plume. The Biewer Terrier has a lighthearted whimsical, childlike attitude. Although mischievous at times, they are obedient and make a loyal companion. |
Head is slightly rounded with a moderate stop. The muzzle is approximately one-third the length of the head. Bite can be level or scissor bite. Nose is to be completely black. Eyes are medium sized and either round or almond shaped, with an intelligent expression looking straight ahead. The rims are dark in color. Earsare small, V shaped, upright, moderately wide set and covered with hair. They are set to the back of the skull and their base is level with the eyes. Tips should be shaved. | ||
<This dog has a poorly shaped head. It is more of an egg shape, with a long, wide muzzle. >The dog on the right has small, squinty eyes. His ears are tulip shaped (rounded) instead of the required V shape. <Both dogs have low ear sets.> |
<This dog has an under bite. The bottom jaw juts out in front of the top teeth instead of lining up nicely. I do not recommend breeding dogs with bite problems, as they will pop up for many generations. >This puppy has retained deciduous teeth (baby teeth). He had to have 17 teeth pulled, top and bottom. This is hereditary, so you may want to take this into consideration before breeding a dog that retains teeth. |
<This dog has extremely large ears. Although it is a good set, the size is undesirable. The hair is helping to camouflage the ear. >This guy has a wide ear set and big wide ears. With a wide ear set, the ears will stick out the side of the head like wings. A low ear set, causes the ears to sit further apart on the head, but they will stand up. |
Body is fine to medium boned with a good level top line. Height at the shoulders is the same as the height at the rump. Length of the body can be slightly longer than the height of the dog. The chest comes to the elbows with a good width. The rib cage is moderately sprung with the underline being slightly tucked up and a short but strong loin. | ||
<The dog on the left is high in the rear, and has a low tail set. She also has a bit of a roach back. >The girl on the right has almost no legs and is what we call barrel bodied. There is no chest depth. |
Front Legs must be absolutely straight, muscular and covered with hair. Hind legs are straight when viewed from behind and stifles are slightly bent when viewed from the side.Feet are as round as possible, with white or black nails. | ||
<This dogs front legs are too far apart. She is a little flat footed and down in the pastern. >His back legs are too far apart and angled out a little. His stifles are straight. |
Tail is carried high over the body in a teacup handle fashion and covered with a long flowing plume. Length must go to the stifles or longer. | ||
<The dog on the left has a short tail that barely comes down to the stifle. It has no curl and sticks straight up, known as a "Gay Tail". Actually, a "Gay tail" is more erect than this little guys tail. >This girl has a low tail set which has the tail sticking straight out the back. It will not curl up over the body. |
Coat is long and flowing with a soft silky texture. Hair is straight and without an undercoat and should be at least ¾ to the ground. Head fall is tied up into a single ponytail on top of the head and may be left hanging freely or put into a topknot. | ||
<The dog on the left has very thin wispy hair that does not grow much. You can actually see skin through the hair. It has a coarse texture that breaks easily and does not grow normally. >The dog on the right has brown eyes, which is undesirable, with thin wispy hair. You'll notice we can hardly make a top knot, as there is not much hair. |
Head coloring is (Blue/Black, White, Gold/Tan); (Blue/Black, Gold/Tan); (Gold/Tan, White) in good symmetry. (The Blue/Black, White, Gold/Tan colored head example is at the top of the page in our General appearance picture.) |
<This puppy's face is not symmetrically colored. As he gets older, the color that is on the one side of his face will fade out to a very light tan. >This puppy has a solid white face with 10 gold hairs. 10 to 20 different color hairs do not constitute a second color. |
Hair Coloring on back is blue or black and white. Amounts of each color are of personal preference with no dominating patterns. | ||
<Solid white back dogs, are unacceptable and should not be bred. >This puppy has a spot on each side. When the hair grows out, the white hair will cover the black spots and the dog will look totally white. It will not do well in the show ring and really should not be bred. |
Chest, Stomach, Legs and Tip of the Tail is absolutely white. The white from the chest should come up the neck to cover the chin. | ||
Color coming down the leg is unacceptable. Usually with this amount of coloring, it will not grow out, or fade away. |
Temperament of the Biewer Terrier is intelligent, loyal and very devoted to their human family. They have a fun loving, childlike attitude that makes them a great companion for all ages.
Weight is 4 to 8 pounds.
Faults: Roach or rounded back; brown, gold or tan anywhere on the body, legs, or tail; pale nostrils; floppy ears; over 8 lbs.
The goals and purposes of this breed standard include: to furnish guidelines for breeders who wish to maintain the quality of their breed and to improve it; to advance this breed to a state of similarity throughout the world; and to act as a guide for judges. Breeders and judges have the responsibility to avoid any conditions or exaggerations that are detrimental to the health, welfare, essence and soundness of this breed, and must take the responsibility to see that these are not perpetuated. Any departure from the following should be considered a fault, and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and on the dog’s ability to perform its traditional work, which includes acting as a companion.
HISTORY The Biewer Terrier is believed to have started around 1984 by German Yorkshire Terrier breeders, Mr. and Mrs. Biewer. The Biewers spent several years establishing and refining breed type until the dogs bred true. The Biewer Terrier was introduced into mainstream America in 2003. The Biewer Terrier was recognized by the United Kennel Club January 1, 2016.
GENERAL APPEARANCE The Biewer Terrier is a fine- to medium-boned, elegant, long haired, tri-colored toy-type terrier. Ideally, the hair parts down the middle and hangs straight and evenly on both sides of the dog as though a comb was used to part the hair from the nose to the end of the topline. Hair is straight and without an undercoat and should be at least three-quarters of the way to the ground, but any length hair is acceptable. Dogs used in performance events may be clipped for safety purposes. Although the outline of the dog gives the impression of a square, the body length can be slightly longer than tall. Disqualifications: Unilateral or bilateral cryptorchid.
CHARACTERISTICS The Biewer Terrier is intelligent, loyal and very devoted to their human family. They have a fun-loving, child-like attitude that makes them a great companion for all ages. Disqualifications: Viciousness or extreme shyness.
HEAD SKULL – Slightly round, with a moderate stop.
MUZZLE – The length of the muzzle is approximately one-third the length of the head. TEETH – A full complement of strong, white teeth meet in a level or scissors bite.
EYES – The eyes are dark brown, and medium in size, and either round or almond shaped. They are placed to look straight ahead. They have an intelligent expression. Eye rims are black. Disqualification: Liver colored eye rim pigment.
NOSE – The nose is completely black in dogs over six months of age. Disqualification: Liver colored nose pigment.
EARS – The small, v-shaped, upright ears are covered with hair. They are set moderately wide and to the back of the head. The base is level with the eyes. Tips should be shaved. Fault: Ears that are not erect.
NECK The neck is of good length, is set to allow for high head carriage, and blends smoothly into the shoulder region.
FOREQUARTERS FORELEGS – The forelegs are absolutely straight, muscular, and covered with hair. Dewclaws may be removed, but it is not mandatory.
BODY The topline is level. The point of the shoulders is level with the point of the buttocks. The chest is of good width and reaches to the elbows. The rib cage is Companion Dog Group Copyright 2015, United Kennel Club moderately sprung. The loin is short, but strong. The underline is slightly tucked up. Faults: Roach back. Rounded back.
HINDQUARTERS Stifles are well bent when viewed from the side.
HIND LEGS – Hind legs are straight when viewed from the rear, and well-covered with hair.
FEET The feet are round. Nails may be white or black. TAIL The full tail is carried high over the body in a teacup handle (curved) fashion. It is covered with a long, flowing plume of hair. When the tail is at rest, it reaches to or past the stifles.
COAT The coat is long and flowing, with a soft silky texture. A show coat is be straight, without an undercoat and should be at least three-quarters of the way to the ground. The hair on the head is straight and falls at least three-quarters of the way to the ground, but this is not mandatory. The headfall should be tired up in a single ponytail on the top of the head, and left falling freely. The hair on the tips of the ears can be shaved or trimmed short. The hair on the tail is to be long. Faults: Curly hair.
COLOR All colors are strong, clear and rich. The Biewer Terrier is black or blue and white, with tan/gold trim on the head, and around the anal opening, only. The amount of black/blue and white present on each dog is up to personal preference, with none preferred over another. The head coloring is (Blue/Black, White, Gold/Tan); (Blue/Black, Gold/Tan); (Gold/Tan, White) in good symmetry. There must be black or blue on the topline, the amount of which is immaterial. It may vary anywhere from a full saddle to individual spots, as long as there is some black or blue. The white from the chest should come up the neck to cover the chin. Stomach, legs and tip of the tail is white. Disqualification: Albinism. Eliminating Faults: Patches of brown, gold or tan hair anywhere on the body or legs. Any solid color hair, other than white, coming down the leg to the feet.
WEIGHT The preferred weight range is from four (4) to eight (8) pounds.
GAIT They exhibit a smooth and flowing movement, with good reach and strong drive and straight action front and rear. The topline remains level while gaiting.
ELIMINATING FAULTS (An Eliminating Fault is a Fault serious enough that it eliminates the dog from obtaining any awards in a conformation event.) Patches of brown, gold or tan hair anywhere on the body or legs. Any solid color hair, other than white, coming down the leg to the feet.
DISQUALIFICATIONS (A dog with a Disqualification must not be considered for placement in a conformation event, and must be reported to UKC.) Unilateral or bilateral cryptorchid. Viciousness or extreme shyness. Albinism. Liver colored pigment (nose, eye rims).